If you can't find anything useful in 30 minutes or so, you should probably choose another topic. https://owlcation.com/stem/Fun-Baking-Science-Fair... 4. What is the best decision-making process for patients in nursing homes? What is the possibility that spun sugar strands could be useful for medical purposes? interested in moleculer biology and medicine, I am Interest in Data and communication network specially in performance analysis of VoIP over Wimax networks. Usually, after about 15 minutes of looking at what is available on that topic, you will discover that one of the topics you've chosen is more interesting, or has more information easily available. Question: What do you think of the topic, What are the physics of a marching snare drum?" What can we do about crops which absorb toxins, such as the recent discovery of arsenic-tainted rice? Question: Can you suggest research topics for agricultural students? Chemists are working on making plastics from non-petroleum products. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 03, 2019: Rica and Tomy, I have many more articles on topics for students of all ages. 6. 3. Can listening to music help people to learn? What technologies are in development to help people who are paralyzed? Genetically modified products – pros and cons. Why do scientists not know if people who have had coronavirus will have immunity? Should scientific publication and grant systems be changed to give private citizens and younger scientists a voice if they have good ideas? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 19, 2017: Hi Suzie! New branches of science appearing due to the progress of existing ones (extragalactic astronomy, evolutionary biology, biotechnology, etc.). Then each student presents what they have learned to the whole class. Answer: A STEM capstone course is an excellent idea to get students interested in pursuing a STEM career. What is the most promising direction for increasing battery technology? Or if you are a student looking for a science experiment, I have posted step-by-step instructions for a variety of projects and you can find a list of links in my article: Science Fair Experiments. The easiest topic is one that you can find articles for right away. Question: I am interested in starting a STEM Capstone course at my high school. Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Environmental Science. Typical articles use geoscientific data or analyses to assess, test, or compare resource-related aspects. Chemistry is a science of molecules and substances and how they interact with each other. If you are doing an actual science project, then you will have to devise an experiment to test that question. As a matter of fact, my son (an engineering student) found that his physics courses in high school actually were the most helpful courses he had to prepare him for his college mathematics courses. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 15, 2017: Hi Gaea and Meeme, I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for in applied science but you might want to check out my science fair experiments or else look at my topics regarding technology topics. Where and when did COVID-19 start to infect humans? Where did "Flattening the Curve" come from? Can changing their microbiome help people overcome problems of stress, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder? Can nanomedicine potentially extend the human lifespan? If you are doing a written essay based on the research writing of others, you can write your answers to the question based on what you have read in your literature search. That will involve getting financing and a company to do that marketing. (pick one or more and evaluate its representation of science). 5. What are the newest advances in battery science? How can parents be better informed about problems in mental health in their children? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 08, 2020: Hi Michelle, it helps to have a research question that you are going to answer. Research undertaken by faculty and students in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment encompass a broad range of topics from Arid Lands to Wildlife Conservation. for a science research paper? How is bioinformatics transforming biology? ", "What was the universe like at the beginning of time? What are the most interesting recent discoveries deep in the ocean? Feel free to write about a topic not on the list. How can it be done most successfully? How important are the bacteria living in your bowels? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on June 17, 2017: Hi Mini--I will add some microbiology topics. How knock-out mice work. Do lockdowns help reduce coronavirus transmission? A topic you find a lot of information about when you are researching. Is the desktop nanofabrication tool a viable option for low-cost, easy nanotechnology? How can polio be eradicated? If you are working on Creationism, you might want to see my article about "Can Christians believe in Evolution? Is there a cure for our current epidemic? How does sleep deprivation affect health? For example, testing water potential. Are there good reasons for people with cancer to not choose cutting-edge treatments and fighting until the end? Answer: 1. Be different with other people who don't read this book. Thanks for the suggestion. How does Salt Affect Seed Germination? Which cancers are we closest to finding cures for? Question: Is there any research topic related to finance and marketing? Is caffeine good or bad for a person's health? How are robots going to improve medicine? I have seen some from the given topics but i'm hoping there's more. How can math be made more interesting for students? 6. Tectonic movements – how the Earth’s face changes. Impact of chemistry on the history of humankind (move chronologically, from using poisoned arrows and leather making to the discovery of elements and internal combustion engine). Question: Can you suggest a research topic for grade 11? Although I chose 2 topics to search for details, but I didn't get details enough, and also the topic must have different prespective by researchers. Maybe topics about endangered animals? How can nurses help in emerging infectious diseases? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on November 08, 2017: Good point, Jenna--I'll add a Chemistry section. Answer: 1. Opting to write a quantitative research paper is easy but going for the right topic is difficult. This science is alive, so it can be easy to pick some relevant chemistry research topics: Hormone synthesis in the human organism. Science іѕ thе dіѕсірlіnе thаt іѕ ѕhіnіng lіkе a ѕtаr іn аll wаlkѕ оf life. The conflict of oil interests in Iran. How can poultry farmers best prevent diseases like bird flu? for a science research paper? really interested in molecular biology and genome mapping. By taking the good benefits of reading Grade 9 Natural Science Question Paper, you can be wise to spend the time for reading other books. 3. You can search for "dog communication" in Google Scholar to get some idea of any studies that have already been done. What solution keeps flowers fresh the longest? Your ideas are good but its hard. Why is it so hard to find cures for cancer? Can you help me? Would you mind to help me? 2. Should humans really make the effort to find a way to live in space or on other planets? Answer: Here are some easier topics for high school students. 2. Picking up technology research paper topics related to Math is usually challenging since Mathematics continues to be one of the most difficult disciplines for millions of students. What can be done to stop crop diseases from causing people to starve? 10. 2. That can involve students (within our campus) for data collection. If you want to see peculiarities of writing in this subject field, you are welcome to the Natural sciences section. Hi, I am grade 12 student and i am doing a very important presentation on CAD coronary artery disease also known as Ischemic heart disease (IHD). Should we use nanotechnology to feed ourselves? What are the latest developments in the chemistry of adhesives? What is the best way to capture and use carbon dioxide? At the bottom of the following article are many other suggestions along with research article links to help you write your paper: ttps://owlcation.com/academia/100-Science-Argument-Essay-Topic-Ideas. Question: What is the easiest science topic for a research paper? Will nanotechnologies make it possible for people to live in outer space? Registration . Answer: 1. Are nanofibers the answer to repairing spinal cord and brain injuries? I’m a STEM senior high student by the way, if that could help. 5. Answer: Here are some research paper ideas for you: Can brain stimulation cure mental illness? The integumentary system of human as natural biohazard suit. How can doctors be better prepared to help terminally ill cancer patients with end of life issues? Let us prove it right now. Is that true? How can harmful algal blooms be prevented? So I've already put down environmental management as my topic and "destruction" as my heading because I was going to conduct an experiment on something else. You can also see other articles written by me linked on the side. Thank you. The term “natural sciences” unites all the branches of science that deal with natural world and approach it from the point of view of naturalism. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on December 12, 2017: Hi Katie--I'd start with an example of when the physics of motion is helpful, or used, or happens in daily life. What does this mean? Or your question can have one answer and the reasons for that answer are your topics. It has been claimed that going into space is important for scientific development. You must approve your topic with me, whether or not it is on the list. Should disposable products be banned or limited? What is the most important technological advance in medicinal chemistry this year?What is the role DNA polymerases plan in maintaining the integrity of genetic information?What are the possibilities of targeting DNA polmerases with pharmaceutical agents in cancer therapies? Are algae systems the best way to produce synthetic fuels? 3. Upcoming events. I would like to know some potential research topics​ related to medical microbiology. How can we solve the problem of "space junk"? One example is my experiment involving germinating seeds in a variety of concentrations of salt solutions. Is personalized medicine based on our own genome the wave of the future? I'm pursuing the medical field (STEM); my friend's engineering (STEM). What are the best treatments for people with Sickle cell disease? infectious diseases like the flesh eating disease is interesting to read about. Answer: 1. How can robotic exosuits be used in industry and business for training and increasing production? How does exercise help people to stay healthy? How can people best prepare their bodies to fight a COVID-19 infection? What are the challenges for developing environmentally-friendly plastics? Question: I am a grade 8 student. How can family farmers and small-scale farms be helped to raise better crops? Inside of each article, there are various ideas to try. I could see it's of great help. I have so many articles that I actually search for my own topics that way too! How do we best develop sustainable technologies for infrastructure? 8. Depletion of Ozone Layer – reality or falsification? How can we best make food more nutritious in developing nations? 5G and Covid-19. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on November 03, 2017: Yes, Eli--astronomy is the study of the universe and that is part of science. Is the world too dependent on just a few crops? I'm doing a 10-15 page research paper on physics of motion. Answer: 1. Several non-profits are sponsoring Diabetes research including the American Diabetes Foundation. What is the best method of construction management? How can computer science programs and games like. Students enjoy researching the latest in technology and medical advances. British Medical Research Council News and Publications: Gives recent publications, news, and podcasts of research supported by the British government. Plenty of cool topics in the Astronomy and Physics category. Additionally, I've written several articles on Alzheimer's and dementia that you might want to look at, you can find them by Googling "Alzheimer's" and "VirginiaLynne on HealDove". How can poultry (beef or pork) farmers find the best solutions to increase or sustain their production levels? What are the most interesting mathematical problems in physics research today? hi ,i am so much intrested in doing research on an intresting topic thatsy i have selected the topic related to nano materials.can any one give an idea how to approach in the topic related to nanomaterials. Ecosystem Research Papers Ecosystem research papers look into what defines the community of living organisms that interacts as a system with the nonliving aspects of the environment. Many of the articles and questions I have listed on my science and technology topic articles are generated by my students or in class discussions. Geology is focal on the Earth itself, meteorology is focal on the atmosphere and its related processes, oceanography is focused on the Earth’s oceans and Astronomy is the study of the universe. What is the best way to do seismic auditing and retrofitting of old buildings? alamira.alwiraikat@gmail.com on August 05, 2017: Thank you for this information and I am learning from you. Is cloning the hope of the whole mankind or immoral enterprise that should be banned? What is the ideal weight for longevity? How is it continuing? All of it are interesting. Is it realistic that people can live on another planet? Thursday, August 1, 2013 . The topic needs to be something that we can physically conduct an experiment on in order to draw results and a conclusion. Answer: 1. Can … How important do you think it is to have your DNA sequenced for science? How will physical chemistry play a role in excited-state dynamics? However, the best idea is always to choose the topic that interests you personally. However, creating a winning essay in this filed is easier than you might think. How does stress affect the heart? 4. 2. Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. What is an antiviral drug and how does it differ from a vaccine? 3. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on January 22, 2018: More topics related to space science would be great! Nuclear Fusion with Lasers. Question: Can you suggest some research paper topics about molecular biology? 3. Introduction - level of ColourColour has been investigated and use for more than 2000 long time Throughout the centuries , disparate civilizations cook experimented and learned more to the highest item chroma . How has the temperature of our planet changed during recorded history? ", "What is the importance of string theory? Do campaigns to raise awareness about mental health issues actually help people be healthier emotionally? Question: What are some possible topics on biology for a science research paper? I want to be a psychologist and I feel this can be really helpful. Answer: I have a number of science experiments you can do with full explanations. What is the likelihood that a comet will strike the earth? What developments in nanotechnology are currently being made for medical applications? She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. What would it take for a planet to have life? All the topics are free of cost and students can get an idea from the list given below. Additionally, this research needs to be unique. Is something you have an opinion about. Scientific Topics for Research Papers. I'm having difficulty formulating a research question in STEM. Question: Can you suggest some trending research topics in medical physiology? To pick the easiest topic for you, choose one that: 2. What are the challenges of nanomaterials and nano designs? To make your project unique, it helps to tackle a real-world problem. Is it beneficial or harmful for wild animals to have interactions with people? Question: What are some botany topic questions for a research paper? Should women who find they have genes which make them more prone to getting breast cancer consider having a mastectomy as a preventative measure? Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on August 19, 2019: Hi Landon, any of these topics could be made into a research paper of 5 pages or longer. (see, What is the molecular evidence that humans once. Which type of multi media teaching method is most effective for science students? You can have your students use my article here and my technology article to get a start. What do you do when someone is suicidal? Best quality grades can be obtained by doing your research on these topics by college students. How has the Hubble Space Telescope changed the way we look at the Universe? What causes people to be at high risk for complications from COVID-19? One that might be especially helpful is my one that gives Easy Argument Topics with Research Links and Sample Essays (includes a section on Technology and several Health-related topics). I almost checked all the topics but I couldn't choose one because the topics were difficult for me to discuss on them. 3. What is the most accurate tool for screening depression in newly admitted patients? 5G and Covid-19 . How can business people best market new technologies? So here we are giving you the list of essential quantitative research topic ideas prepared by our essay helpers for the nursing, stem, ABM, gas, hums & senior high school students that need to be focused. Will delivery drones be bringing us our pizza and mail? Is it possible that oceans still hide unknown species of living organisms of considerable size? -A. N. These are really great topics, some just give me an existential crisis though. Thank you.. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on July 10, 2017: Jessica--Good topic idea! What has been the impact of colonoscopy testing on colon cancer rates? If your project needs to be original, you must also be careful to understand all of the research which has been done previously to make sure you are not repeating what has been done by someone else. Can microbial factories be an answer to the shortage of raw metals? Look at my profile for some examples. Why has the disease resurfaced? Answer: I think that the word you should focus on would be "importance" rather than "relevance," because I believe the issue behind your question is that people do not believe that mathematics is important in physics. Question: Do you have a specific topic for environmental science for grade 7? Answer: Generally, I tell my students to narrow their choice to two or three topic questions that interest them the most. Natural philosophy as a predecessor of natural sciences – correlations and differences. 2. As you may see, natural sciences offer you a wide variety of topics in all their subdivisions. The integumentary system of human as natural biohazard suit. What are the best practices for sustainable crop farming of XXX (pick a crop)? For a science journal, you need to record the date, the information you get from a source and the bibliographical information. Does having Sickle cell disease have any advantages? How is studying the microbiome of the planet going to be important to environmental studies? Something like: What is the value of space exploration of other planets for humans? Question: Which research topic on Sickle cell disease can I write about? I have many other articles that can help you write your paper. 2. What is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)? Natural philosophy as a predecessor of natural sciences – correlations and differences. What is the process of taking a science idea and turning it into a product? Is it the optimal diet for humans? I'm having difficulty finding a good topic that has a connection to Biology. What good ideas can I use with like space stuff? Hello Mrs. How can mathematicians and physics researchers work together to solve big problems? Optical Effects in Clouds . Good point Jenna--I'll add a Chemistry section. Thanks for the help. 5. Please reply ASAP? Interesting political science research paper topics help grab the teacher's attention. How will self-driving cars change the way people live? 0 yorum. Question: I am a grade 12 STEM strand student and I am having a difficult time finding a suitable investigatory project title regarding how to ease the effects of global warming. How to Edit Your Paper for a Better Grade, Nanotechnology in Medicine: Huge Potential But What Are the Risks, NPR Report on Google Contacts for Diabetics, robots be used to help kill invasive species, future of computing and artificial intelligence, time and space in brain development and disease. Question: What are the best topics for animal health (mainly cattle, goats and poultry) for an undergraduate animal science student? Answer: 1. ", "How did the beginning of the universe make life possible? All events . These research topics can be about: Water pollution; Noise pollution; Air pollution; Solar energy; Toxic waste; Technology and the environment; Have a Look at Interesting Environment Research Paper Topics? ", "What do meteors teach us about the universe?". Why are honey bee colonies weakening and what can be done about it? 3. How can nurses be involved in the fight against human trafficking? That one includes more links to articles. Does ecotourism really help save animal habitats? Quality of Life Meets Metropolitan Ambitions . As men age, do they pass on genetic abnormalities to their children? Blu-Ray Disc. Why doesn't rising global food production feed people who are hungry? Find out what are the possible answers for that question and see how hard it is to get information on that topic. Question: Would this make a good topic for a science research paper: "Is it true that sperm cells can help to remove pimples and keep the skin smooth and healthy?". Or make a suggestion for an essay topic about biology? After you are sure you understand, you need to pick a topic for researching. Bar Code Scanning. Answer: How can modification of poultry, or eggs enhance human health? Should we use nanobots to produce and deliver drugs to human patients? 3. How can agricultural scientists best prepare for natural disasters? Chemistry Research Topics for The Best Papers. Answer: I'm not sure that this would be a clear and easy question to answer. How can atom thick graphene be used to create new technologies? Question: Can you suggest research topics about dementia? Is there any thing about math or something like that. Question: What are the topics that students can research on space? Sometimes, I suggest that before choosing a topic that students do some preliminary research, looking for information. 7. Can older techniques like anti-microbial peptides be used effectively to treat bacteria? Here are a couple more: How is DNA analysis of ancient bones changing our concept of the evolutionary tree? What do they have to do with each other? If you are actually doing a science experiment and not just a research paper, I have a lot of different step-by-step experiments too. Can you make a suggestion? Pleasse can you help me, what should I do? For example: 1. Is specialization a better strategy for farmers? I'm looking for something that is more based around humans though. 2. I would like some more tips for my students in my class. You might also look at my article on "100 Current Events" because the bottom section talks about medical and health topics. Which of the current science fiction movies is the most plausible? What is the connection between diet and lifespan? I wanted to write a research about human psychology. Conservational biology of parasites – madness or wisdom? Is this dangerous? Answer: 1. Look at their section on research that they support and you will see what the most current information is. You can find my articles on my profile, or Google "VirginiaLynne" and "owlcation.". English . Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 14, 2018: I have lots of health topics. 2. Could you please suggest some topics for the both of us? How can farmers in ______(pick a country) be more successful and productive? What is the role of nurses in treatment of acute ischemic stroke? 2. I have a research paper for science and I am wanting to do it on how music effects the brain. 5. Question: I am a grade twelve student. The media and their political manipulation. What is the best diet and exercise plan to prevent cancer? However, I am having trouble coming up with a specific question to research. You can also find some easier topics in the life science in these articles: 1. Political Science research papers can easily become overly complex and weak if there are too many ideas scattered across assignment. High school students аrе generally gіvеn wrіtіng assignments іn Science. What are the most important things that predispose women to breast cancer? Then they should start doing a bit of Google searching to find out more. Question: What do you think of, "Why do most women get breast cancer?" How can video games be used to solve scientific problems? Science papers are interesting to write and easy to research because there are so many current and reputable journals online. Is it likely that there is life on other planets? Apr 18, 2015 - Great topic ideas for science essays, links to articles to begin your research, writing tips, and step-by-step instructions for writing your paper. Answer: You can do a variety of papers on the topic of skin care, or on the idea of using unusual treatments. How can people in finance help new technologies be used in poorer countries? Using those thesis answers, you can begin to put your outline together. Can you give me some topics that would be helpful to me? How can mathmatic modeling of 2D materials be best done? Is fiber reinforced cement and composites a good choice? Question: I am applying for a master's in chemistry and I would love to research on a topic that correlates chemistry and health care. 2. It means that there is a vast amount of materials that deal with almost everything we encounter in our lives and things we will hardly ever encounter. So do you have any ideas of what I could say that has anything to do with the destruction of the earth? If you don't find a topic here, you might want to look at: 100 Technology Paper Topics for Research Papers. What are the relationship between our environment, our brain, and our microbiome? or diabetic feet? this is a huge topic and I really need a good attention grabber. What are the best strategies for farming in areas of water scarcity? Answer: I have several science experiments which are appropriate for High School students. Are there things the average woman can do to help prevent breast cancer? Human Vision. What scientific breakthroughs have come about through the space programs? 4. Since term papers are not written overnight, you need a topic that interests you, is relatively easy to research, and fits the requirements for the assignment. What is the sugar chemistry of making candy? To decide which sort of motion to research, I'd go to some physics websites (or even Wikipedia) and look up the different kinds and see which one you find most interesting, or which one you think you could find the most information about. Could you give me some samples? I have no idea what section of motion I'm going to be discussing, I also need some advice there. Can microelectronics inside of contact lenses help diabetics control their blood sugar? 3. Is nanotechnology a viable commercial idea? How can research on improving the artificial intelligence in robots teach us more about ourselves? Question: What do you think of the topic, "How sleep is related to memory?" 3. Well, i need something for my research that the output will be tangible or can be use by others. This real helped me I was looking for topics for my research paper for days. Here are some other topic questions related to this one: 1. 22 Mayıs 2017. Research Papers/Topics in Natural & Applied Sciences . Any advice on how to write a science journal ? 2. Choose 2-3 questions that seem the most interesting to you. What do we know about the differences between immunity in other viruses? 2. 3. 3. There must be something new that you are contributing to science. Can you make a suggestion? What are the best ways for nurses to avoid work-related injuries and musculoskeletal disorders? Try one of the following: 1. These documents aren’t limited to a particular nation or area. Why do birds have such beautifully colored feathers? How can high tech be used to better enhance agriculture? How will advances in density functional theory be used? What has the International Space Station discovered that is most important? We will inform you about news on our topics and events regularly. Why is nuclear fusion always just out of reach? Answer: Here are some interesting cancer research topics: 1. Can nanomaterials be used to reduce CO2 emissions? The list, such as geophysics, marine biology, biotechnology,.. Of raw metals come from considered by patients when choosing a therapy essay in this list do! Part of the topics are free of cost and students can research on teaching science through multimedia,. You will have to do for everyone against COVID-19 changing the way drugs are developed used! Protein '' bind to human cell receptors and examples for you, choose one because the topics ``! A viable option for low-cost, easy nanotechnology a 10-15 page research paper science..., coelacanth, etc. ) preventative measure pleasse can you suggest some research paper chickens being better healthier! Give students a good question for a research topic on drugs cigarettes and smoking for complications from COVID-19 than... 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