For example, I'd like to move and resize the dog shape I added a moment ago. But the JPEG won't retain your type layers. Click and hold on the Path Selection Tool, then choose the Direct Selection Tool from the menu. And then to accept all those changes I'll go up to the Options bar and I'll click the big Checkmark. Then, I’ll draw out another shape on top of that. (To select more shapes click the Custom Shape menu picker) Now if you want to make a change let's say a change to the font size go up to the Options bar and choose the option that you want. That way your shape layers will be available the next time you open the file so you can make changes to them. The new shapes were simply added to, or removed from, the original: Don't worry if you didn't position or size the new shapes exactly right on the text. Click on the canvas and enter a single line of text. And then come into the image and click and drag over the portion of that text that I want to change. Make your text stand out. Post questions and get answers from experts. You don't have to highlight all the text on the layer. Make sure the shape's thumbnail is highlighted in the Layers panel. Click in the image and drag the text where you want it. The text appears on a Type layer, one of several different types of layers in Photoshop. Click the Custom Shape arrow on the Options bar. Even though the Dog Print shape is being used to subtract an area from the letter, the shape itself is still fully editable. In the Tools panel, click and hold the Rectangle tool (or whichever Shape tool is showing in your Tools panel) and select the Custom Shape tool. And that's going to bring in all these categories of custom shapes that you see listed here. How To Place Text Behind An Object Step 1: Open your image. So, we'll go up to the Options bar and we'll click on the Font Color field. When you add text to an image in Photoshop it automatically appears on a special kind of layer called a type layer. Draw the path for the text. When you want to make an object that has a geometric shape like a rectangle or a circle you could use one of the Selection tools and fill it with color. With the Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key held down, click inside the shape you want to cut a hole through and drag out your new shape. Writing text around free-form shape requires path drawing but if you just want to write text around a circle or other geometric shapes, here is a quick and easy method. If the text isn't where you want it, then go to the Tools panel and select the Move tool. Also works on Illustrations. In the Tools panel go down to whichever shape tool is showing at the moment and press and hold and from the Flyout menu select the Custom Shape Tool. Pro Tip: Holding Shift while clicking will help you create a straight line between two points. Select the shape you want your text to be by clicking on the shape tool in the Draw section of the … A setting … Then Control + Click (right click) on that text layer in the layers palette, and select “Convert to Shape.” Your text will now be in vector format so that it may be used as a shape, and … How to Add Realistic Text to a Photo in Adobe Photoshop. When you're finished typing, go up to the Options bar and click the big Checkmark. So, go over to the Layers panel and select the layer above which you want your new shape layer. Hold down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) and drag out the new shape inside the original one. When you just want to add a solid color while working in Photoshop CS6, you use either the foreground or the background color. The cursor will turn to an I-beam with a dotted circular outline around it. I'm going to come up here, and with the Type tool selected I'm going to hold down the Shift key and click to start a new type layer. Here's the document I'm starting with, a simple background with the word "dogs" added in front of it (sorry to all the cat lovers out there): If we look in the Layers panel, we see that the document is made up of two layers - the Background layer on the bottom and a Type layer above it: Before we can combine our text with shapes, we first need to convert the text itself into a shape. Let me show you quickly how this was made and then I'll show you how to edit it. Now that I have that text selected, I could change any of the options in the Options bar or I can actually change the words of the text. Then in the Tools panel go down to the Shape tools which are located here. The Opacity slider allows you to specify how transparent your Outer Glow will be. I'll choose a large font size. The following steps show you the basics of filling a selection with either the foreground or the background color (you have plenty […] You'll see that Photoshop has created a new layer for you and has even named it for you. A shape layer can contain vector shapes that you can then modify with the same features of any other layer. Now go back into Google Docs, and select File -> Open. When you're ready to save an image that has shape layers be sure to use the Save As... command and save the working file in a format that retains layers - like the Photoshop or PSD format. If you ever enter type and you can't see it, that's probably why. You can put a photo inside text (or at least part of a photo) with a special text tool that Photoshop Elements has just for that purpose.. And you can click on any part of the image to sample the color from there and automatically color your shape. Whichever tool you used previously will be the one appearing in the Tools panel. Add your text to the image and position it in front of the object. In this Photoshop tutorial, I show you how to run text behind a portion of a photo. I have a rectangle shape, nothing added or changed. To see how it works open this image from the practice files for this tutorial. This means that wehereever I move the shape, whatever is behind the shape gets blurred. And you can reopen the Color Picker any time the same way and choose a different color for your shape. Follow these quick steps to fill and stroke shapes: In the Layers panel, select … Unselected ones appear as hollow outlines. In this tutorial I show you how to do all of this in Photoshop CC but the same steps can be taken for Photoshop CS6 and older versions. Use Free Transform Path to resize and move the shape as needed. Here's what my final result will look like after converting the text into a shape, then easily combining the text with other shapes: Download this tutorial as a print-ready PDF! You can type any name you like. Now if you go back to the Layers panel and click on another layer you can see that the edges of the shape are still smooth. Some text in front of a simple background. Open a new document in Adobe Photoshop CC. Save the Word file and close Word. Step 1. Click a Shape Tool. It looks like a "T". Follow these easy steps to learn how to add a drop shadow to text in Photoshop. So let's go back to the Tools panel and select the Horizontal Type tool again. I'm going to choose the Rounded Rectangle tool. Make sure it's selected before you continue). That's how to combine text with shapes in Photoshop! Choose Append to add the new shapes in with the original ones. Also choose a colour to use by clicking on the colour swatch at the bottom of the toolbar. Choosing a new shape from the Shape Picker. One of my favorite things about shape layers is the way that you can change the color of a shape layer on-the-fly. You could also press the Tkey on the keyboard to select it. To select white here go to the large field on the left and click on white and then click OK. And that affected everything on this type layer. Come down to this section of the Properties panel and hover over any of the Corner icons. If you don't have this font, choose a font of your own. Sample files to practice with (ZIP, 23 MB), Southeast Asia (Includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) - English, الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا - اللغة العربية. I'm going to type the name of a fictional tailor business. Now if I change the shape of the box you can see that the text re-wraps. You can change the size, style, and color of your font from the top menu. So, I'm going to type in a different point size here in the Font Size field. Because there's a highlighted link icon in between these 4 icons all 4 corners change together. Then we'll learn how to add other shapes to it and even how to cut shapes out of letters! The first step is to type a word over your photo. To make an effect that looks like a text box that is filled, bordered, semi-transparent etc., you will have to create an object shape (box) and place it just behind (under) the text box. You can select it here in the Tools panel. The type tool in Photoshop is more flexible than you might think. And it has smooth edges when printed, even if you make the text a lot bigger. The text is now a shape that looks like text. Right-click on the picture and select Wrap Text -> In Front of Text. Also choose a colour to use by clicking on the colour swatch at the bottom of the toolbar. If you click the Gear icon on the right side of this drop-down panel you'll find a long menu. For example, we could reshape the roundness of the corners of this rounded rectangle shape. Click on the Shape Picker and you'll see some icons of a few custom shapes but there are lots more. If you want to type uppercase letters, as I do, press the Caps lock key on your keyboard. So those are the basics of creating text. Create a new document and select the type tool from the toolbar. And then I'll go up to the Options bar and click the Checkmark to accept that change. Selecting the Animals shape set from the Shape Picker's menu. Adding Any Text: Select the Type tool from the tools palette. Photoshop is not at the same level when dealing with large amounts of text but you can create some nice and unsusual type designs by using shapes as text boxes. The text after adding and subtracting other shapes. Click on your canvas to add points and create the shape that you want your text to conform to. Press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) when you're done to close out of the Shape Picker: To add the new shape to the text shape, we need to be in the Add to shape mode, and we can switch to it temporarily by holding down the Shift key. Click the little gear in the top right corner and add some more shapes. Hey Cafe Crew, it’s Colin Smith here and this week, I’m going to show you how to add some text to this barrel that make it look realistic like it was kind of engraved in there. 4. Then Control + Click (right click) on that text layer in the layers palette, and select “Convert to Shape.” Your text will now be in vector format so that it may be used as a shape, and … And then go to any of the corners and drag outward and you can make the shape bigger. Select a shape by clicking on it with the Path Selection Tool. It's called the Horizontal Type Mask Tool.Or if you want your type to be vertical like the word "ROCK" in the image to the right, there's the Vertical Type Mask Tool.They both work the same way. The new shape is added to the text shape. You can create everything from a single line of text, to a fully custom text box shape. Now take a look at the Layers panel. Before I draw out these scissors shape with this Custom Shape tool I'll take a look at the Layers panel and I'll make sure that I've select a layer above which I want the new shape layer that Photoshop will make to be created. Using multiple type layers will let you work with and position each one separately, just like regular layers. It's also no longer editable. Now I'll go up to the Options bar and click the Checkmark to accept that change. And then I'll select white and I'll click OK. To make the scissors smaller I'll go up to the Edit menu and I'll choose Free Transform Path. I'm going to select this one by clicking on it and then I'll click in a blank area to close the Shape Picker. As long as you still have the type layer selected in the Layers panel and you still have the Horizontal Type tool selected in the Tools panel, you can change the options for this type layer. Now let's say you want another type layer. Using the Path Selection Tool to Modify the Path Text. Hold Shift and drag out the shape to add it to the text. By the way: The default size is very small on a large image like this. If you select the Path Selection Tool, you’ll be able to modify the text created along the work path in a couple of different ways. When you're done editing type layers you want to be sure to save in a format that retains layers, like the Photoshop format or the PSD format. There is a workaround, however, if you’d like to continue working with your image in Photoshop: First, create your text box by selecting the “T” tool from your Photoshop Toolbox. Yep, that's different to some other design software. And I've managed to reflow the text from 3 lines to 2 lines while maintaining the position of the text box in the center of the screen. First, I'll select it by clicking anywhere inside of it with the Path Selection Tool. That assures that the new text will end up on its own layer rather than tacked on to the end of the first layer, which can happen if you start making one type layer too close to another. Here you'll see a list of fonts that you can scroll through to choose one you like. The other tool(s) will be hiding behind it. In today’s post, I’m going to initially draw out one shape in my workspace in Adobe Photoshop. But there's another way to make a shape that gives you more flexibility and that's to use one of the Shape tools. How can I do this? This menu shows you the font size in points by default. And you can see that that affected all the text on the selected type layer. You can use this image from the downloadable practice files for this tutorial or an image of your own. The font is not essential to the tutorial, but I am using Gotham Lightin this example. And there are actually a couple scissors to choose from. My screen isn't large enough to show all of them, but there are many to explore. Selected anchor points appear as solid squares. Hold down the Option key on a Mac or the ALT key on Windows as you hover over one of the edges of the text box. You can also use the Pen tool. I'll go over to the Layers panel and I'm going to click on a layer other than the scissors layer to see the result. Choose a custom shape from the panel. When I think they're just about small enough I'll click inside of that box and drag to position the scissors where I want them. So, I'm going to type FINE CLOTHING instead of CUSTOM CLOTHING. But I would say the method of path drawing is for the serious Photoshop professionals. Or describe your personal interests in the shape of a star. If you haven't discovered the custom shapes here's how to find them and apply them. Get all of our Photoshop tutorials as PDFs. To load one of the other sets, click on the small arrow icon in the top right corner of the Shape Picker: This pops open a menu with various options, and at the bottom of the menu is a list of the other shape sets we can choose from. Then click in the image and start typing. Click the Type tool in the Tool bar to select it. In other words, what we have now is a shape that just happens to look like text: We're going to learn how to add other shapes to our text and how to subtract shapes from the text. Instead of typing I'm going to go up to the Type menu and choose to paste Lorem Ipsum. Here, “Convert to shape” means to convert in shape of different dimensions. Next let's set the font size. Hold the Shift key to avoid distorting the shape as you drag in an image to create an editable shape. And as you do take a look at the rounded corners and you can see how smooth they are. Photoshop learners often ask such question and are mostly advised to learn path drawing. To do that, I first need to select the shape using the Path Selection Tool. If you want to change all of the text on a type layer the same way then here's what to do. Next, find your Rectangle Tool. And then drag outwards to reflow the text from the center out. One of the easiest ways to add an object to an image is to use the custom shapes that come with Photoshop. Rather than use any of the default shapes, I'm going to load one of the other shape sets included with Photoshop. With the Shift key held down, click inside the document and begin dragging out the new shape (again, make sure the shape thumbnail is selected in the Layers panel). Solid anchor points will appear around the shape letting you know it's been selected: With the shape selected, go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Free Transform Path, or press Ctrl+T (Win) / Command+T (Mac) to select Free Transform with the keyboard shortcut: This bring up Photoshop's Free Transform Path box and handles around the shape. Back to: Use color | Up next: Combine images, Photographer Martin Hoang, Ryan Heffernan. Also works on Illustrations. For example, to subtract a shape from an existing shape, rather than choosing the Subtract from shape option in the Options Bar, simply hold down your Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key on your keyboard. Home > Photoshop Basics > Combining Text With Shapes. Then right-click on it and select "Duplicate Layer" from the context menu. Then go over to the Tools Panel and select the Type tool. As we can see here, the image initially has little to no contrast. Now you can either type or paste your text. You can easily go back and make changes. You can use text effects in posters, flyers, logos, and other useful branding and marketing materials. These can be changed later. And that's true even after you've saved and closed and reopened a document as long as you saved it in a format that retains layers like the Photoshop format. Special Text Tools. Let's close the Properties panel by clicking the double pointed arrow at the top right of the panel. I'm going to place the dog above the last two letters of the word so it looks like he's standing on them: When you release your mouse button, Photoshop adds the shape to the original: Here's what my text looks like now after cutting a hole in the letter "o" with one shape and adding another shape above the last two letters: It may look like we have more than one shape in the document, but we can see in the Layers panel that we still just have the one. We choose this option because we are going to re-import this file into Google Docs, and Docs doesn’t support the “Behind Text” option. Using this tool will automatically create a layer in the Layers panel. To resize the shape, simply drag any of the four corner handles. Opacity. I'm going to go up to the Options bar and click the Cancel symbol to delete that in progress type layer. ; In the options bar, click the down-facing arrow to the right of the Shape picker. Here, I'm dragging out a Dog Print shape inside the letter "o": When you're done, release your mouse button and Photoshop subtracts the new shape from the original, effectively cutting a hole through it: This time, let's add a new shape to the text. Step 2. I'll type Georgia. Open an image using "Ctrl+o" to be placed inside shapes. So just try again with a larger font size. Here's my final "dogs" text design: And there we have it! Let's change the color to white. To move and reposition the shape as you're drawing it, hold down your spacebar, drag the shape to a new spot with your mouse, then release your spacebar and continue dragging. That opens the Color Picker, which we covered in an earlier tutorial in this series. Take some time to experiment with some of the other Shape tools that are located in the same place in the Tools panel. I've got the Background layer selected. That opens the Color Picker. You can also create a paragraph of text by dragging out a text box and then typing inside the box. You'll see a small plus sign ( + ) appear in the bottom right of your mouse cursor, letting you know you're about to add the new shape to the existing one. If you need a copy to share, you can save another copy as a JPEG. The text is very hard to make out and the divider is almost lost in the building’s details. This is what you often see in magazine covers where the title or masthead goes behind a person's head. To edit text on a type layer, select the type layer in the. Coming up we'll explore the Custom Shape tool and discover lots of custom shapes that come with Photoshop that you may not know you have. I can change the size and the position and the color of this shape. To do that, we need to select the part we want to delete using Photoshop's Direct Selection Tool. (These colors appear at the bottom of the Tools panel.) It's a neat effect and may look difficult to a beginner. You can put a photo inside text (or at least part of a photo) with a special text tool that Photoshop Elements has just for that purpose.. Fill and stroke shapes. And then I'll click OK. Now let's say that I've clicked on a regular layer and I'm doing some other work in this image. Here, “Convert to shape” means to convert in shape of different dimensions. You can edit any of these settings later. You can create shapes … Go over to the Layers panel and double-click on the thumbnail on the Rounded Rectangle Layer. So, you can change the color, the size, the position and more anytime you want as long as you save in a format that retains layers like the Photoshop or PSD format. In this Photoshop Basics tutorial, we'll learn how to create fun designs and interesting logos by combining text with custom shapes! Go to the Layers panel and select the type layer. To do that I'll go over to the Shape 1 layer that just appeared in the Layers panel and I'll double click the thumbnail on that Shape 1 layer to open the Color Picker. Save the Word file and close Word. Save your image in the Photoshop (PSD) format to retain the editable type layers for future editing. Make sure you're on the text layer) While holding the option button,you simply click at the spot in the document where you want to begin the selection of the text., then continue holding your mouse button down and drag to draw a freeform selection outline,once you cut your text (delete & command D) Add text and shapes to an image | Adobe Photoshop tutorials If you're following along you can use this image from the practice files for this tutorial or an image of your own that has type layers. In the Color Picker, you can choose another color for this text. I'll also move the shape over to the right a bit so the overall design of the letter looks more like the design of the other letters: I'll press Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) when I'm done to accept the changes and close out of the Free Transform Path command, and I'm done! Click on the icon, or … Special Text Tools. I'll move the Color Picker over so that we can see the text. Create a new document and select the type tool from the toolbar. If you previously selected the Direct Selection Tool as I did, the Path Selection Tool will now be hiding behind it in the Tools panel, so click and hold on the Direct Selection Tool until the fly-out menu appears, then choose the Path Selection Tool from the list: Click with the Path Selection Tool anywhere inside the shape you want to select. You'll see a small plus sign ( +) appear in the bottom right of your mouse cursor, letting you know you're about to add the new shape to the existing one. Stay tuned for the next video where we'll see how to edit text. Hold down the Shift key to constrain proportions and the Option key that's the ALT key on windows to resize the shape from the center out. In the options bar, choose a font, font size, color, and other options for your text. Step 2 I'm moving to the image and I'm going to hold down the Shift key to constrain proportions so the scissors aren't distorted. Press Backspace (Win) / Delete (Mac) to delete the selected part of the shape. To add the new shape to the text shape, we need to be in the Add to shape mode, and we can switch to it temporarily by holding down the Shift key. First create all the shapes you want to use as blurred areas and add them to a new group With the background image you want blurred selected go to Filters -> Convert for Smart Filter. When the Properties palette opens after you release the mouse button, set the Fill color to None and the Stroke Color to Black. It’s a little hard to describe, so I’ll just show you. You'll see a small minus sign ( - ) appear in the bottom right of your mouse cursor letting you know you've temporarily switched to the "Subtract from shape" mode (if you see the Eyedropper icon appear when you hold down your Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) key, it's because you don't have the shape's thumbnail selected in the Layers panel. It's the icon that looks like a square with an anchor point in each corner: Click on the shape preview thumbnail in the Options Bar: This opens the Shape Picker, which displays small thumbnails of all the shapes we currently have to choose from. The only way is to draw rectangular shape layer below the text layer (you could also use a bitmap layer). We'll start where we left off in the last tutorial where we saw how to put text on a … And that automatically selects the correct type layer in the Layers panel. To a different font and a smaller font size 'll be using Photoshop CS5 for tutorial. Be applied to any of the Options bar of type on a layer open up the and! Be placed inside shapes from scratch and insert text that conforms to the edge of the great about. Down at the bottom of the shape 's thumbnail to select it to bother the. The picture and select the type layer this section of the four corner handles new layer over in Tools... 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