After adopting their work from another person (which came out two years prior to Harris’ chart,) Harris’ chart attempts to immediately shock the cursory glance by suggesting that there are such insurmountable contradictions within the Bible that they should stun any believer or non-believer to think the Bible is coherent, honest, or valid. A good study Bible—e.g., the NIV Study Bible, now the ESV Study Bible—will intentionally address many of these issues. Do (or should) such lists leave religious Bible … BS, to use your language. This booklet is a response to the pamphlet “136 Bible Contradictions” printed by Crusade publications of Redmond, Washington. And there are plenty of people who live lies their entire lives. In my case I have read articles on alleged Bible contradictions coming from Muslims, atheist, agnostics and even modern biblical scholars and have found their arguments to be either weak or inadequate. April 19, 2019 from Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions: Volume 1. In those cases I have used color coding to make it easier to see where each contra occurs within the same set of verses. 1001 CONTRADICTIONS & DISCREPANCIES in the CHRISTIAN BIBLES >>> Visit our other website: www. NU 25:3-4, DT 6:15, 9:7-8, 29:20, 32:21, PS 7:11, 78:49, JE 4:8, 17:4, 32:30-31, ZP 2:2 God is angry. So, for example, if a verse in the New Testament referred back to a verse in the Old Testament, there was an arc drawn between the two chapters they were in (the vertical lines at the bottom represent the number of verses in that chapter): Amazing! A few years ago, computer science whiz Chris Harrison created a beautiful visualization linking up every cross reference in the Bible. (a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1) (b) Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1) 2.In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? 5. It is the conviction of the present author that how many alleged Bible contradictions one may test and falsify, there will always be an understandable hesitancy about the reliability of the Biblical account. 3:15–16 where Peter admits this about Paul’s writings).2 Ironically, other Scripture passages are hard because they are easy Well I go into the Bible with my frame of mind of no contradictions, because if I view it to be the word of God, there shouldn’t be contradictions. It instead contains a host of perceived errors, scientific inaccuracy, sexual discrimination, unresolved questions, and other issues that Harris’ group find to be on contradiction not always to the Bible, but to their worldview primarily. Various Contradictions and Omissions in Bible Translations. A good study Bible—e.g., the NIV Study Bible, now the ESV Study Bible—will intentionally address many of these issues. Contradiction #2 In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel? Bible worshipping equals worshipping an object. The examples given above, however, more than prove the point that the Bible is most definitely not, in any sense, the Word of God. They all bear witness to Jesus and his ministry, but approach the story with a… A thoughtful response by an ivy leaguer, as one might expect. Your email address will not be published. Anyone who goes trugh this much trouble to create a fanciful afterlife are the ones who fear death. This apparent Bible contradiction can be understood in that the army officer initiated the request, but he sent the older men as his representatives. Lists of Bible Errors & Mistakes . THE BIBLE Alleged Errors and Contradictions By R. A. TORREY CONTENTS CHAPTER Introduction 1 A General Statement of the Case 2 Classes of Difficulties 3 How Shall We Deal with the Difficulties of the Bible? ★ Contradictions in the bible chart: Add an external link to your content for free. Of course, this is the point of this wildly erroneous infographic. Here, Lenny responds to several objecions and shows why the approach of these skeptics fails. In short, Christians must present an apology for Biblical Inerrancy. All Christians are united in what they believe about Jesus (right?) Are there really 50 to 60 contradictions per page? See more ideas about bible contradictions, contradiction, bible. Then again, I also used to believe in Santa Claus. Answers to criticisms If you saw hate in my post, then your definition of “hate” has nothing to do with the real meaningful the word. In short, Christians must present an apology for Biblical Inerrancy. For example: 286. Here’s a small sampling: Most of the apparent contradictions on the list are well known to anyone who teaches the Bible. Oh and the trinity was created in response to genesis, god said lets create man in our image and makeß reference to us a few times. Go there and just play around with it. The chart is broken up into several parts that are all important: the arching lines are the most prominent, but also below the lines are the various chapters of the entire 66 books of the accepted Christian Bible measured according to their verse length, then below this top half of the chart is a numbered list of the 439 Bible contradictions, finally some bottom information which is essential to understanding the chart. 4 Genesis One-Historical and Scientific? Lewis’ book Mere Christianity was the perfect cure. This was the only orthodox view allowed. The Bible is claimed to be the inspired word of God. “The King James Bible was used due to its popularity, perceived authenticity, lack of copyright restrictions and the fact that it has not been subjected to cosmetic editing, as have some of the more modern versions of the Bible.”. How Did King Saul Die? The Dead Sea Scrolls were unknown, the Critical Text was unknown, Ugaritic was unknown, archeological studies were in their infancy, the list can go on and on. If a doctor tells me I have cancer, I don’t say “no, that would make me sad, ergo it isn’t true.” I face the fact that the universe doesn’t owe anyone happiness; it is the way it is. and ; and (somewhat differently) Robert L. Thomas, Charts of the Gospels and the. Rather than repeat the same verses for two or more different contradictions, I have sometimes grouped multiple contradictions supported by the same Bible verses. We must have answers for these apparent contradictions. And how could there even be a war, god could just smite the angels ahead of time bc he knew theyd rebel. Genesis. 1.Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? Many times skeptics will present a list of so-call contradictions such as whether God repents, the time of Jesus' death, and when Peter denied him. I hope you don’t have kids because they’ll be absolutely fucked in science class with a parent like you scrambling their brains. Hey friends. Before you dismiss, please consider making a donation. And christians say u have to b in church to b saved. The list of 1001 contradictions on this website includes all but three of … 6:2-4. You’ll note on the bottom left hand corner of the chart Harris’ group points out that the biblical translation they are using is the King James Version only. (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9) (b) One million, one hundred thousand (IChronicles 21:5) 3. At any rate, IvyLeaguers2012 is absolutely correct to note that your 747 argument demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of evolution and how it works. And no, my family did not preserve their religious faith under the militant atheist regime. Then again, I also used to believe in Santa Claus. So the woman's name was Adam, too! The visual also shows you where in the Bible you’ll find the passages featuring Cruelty/Violence, Discrimination against Homosexuals, Scientific Absurdities/Historical Inaccuracies, or (below) Misogyny/Violence/Discrimination against Women: See the long bar on the far left side? How Did Judas Die? Tomorrow, I’ll go through a discussion the Bible study group I lead had about this chart and how we can practically lead our people to see poor argumentation for what it truly is and then believe stronger. Another reason that skeptics see contradictions in the Bible that are not really there is because they very often take verses out of their contexts. Want more from the Friendly Atheist? Instead, the narrative as the Gospel of John records it, there is a clarification given on 4:2 (which clearly was only a paragraph or two later in the original texts) that explains 3:22 in that Jesus was overseeing the baptism carried out by His disciples. Take one skeptic’s challenge (chart depicted) where he lists over 60 000 alleged discrepancies and contradictions in an interactive chart (2). Copyright 2008-2017, Patheos. Nothing like gloating about your fantasies of infidels burning in hell to show that you’re a good, moral person. Paul's Contradictions of Jesus . Oct 19, 2020 - Explore Edward Smith's board "Bible Contradictions", followed by 389 people on Pinterest. Each topic is hyperlinked to where it appears on this page. Jesus said in John 8 “If you abide in my teaching you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” And in John 12, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me.” Let your humanistic lights guide you; I find it quite more reasonable to submit my thinking to the One that made reason possible and available to us. God is a consuming fire. 1.Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel? Bible Contradictions Introduction. Or shall we say that the primordial soup gave you reason? people who make claims that the Bible contains contradictions. Subject: BIBLE CONTRADICTIONS ANSWERED ‐‐Biblical Errors Mistakes Difficulties Discrepancies Countered Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2010 19:24:54 +0200 Countering Bible Contradictions Originally By: Andrew Tong, Michael J. Bumbulis, MaryAnna White, Russ Smith, and others (1994-1995) Introduction Skip intro and go to the Index of Contradictions A word about the contributors. Our ways of reasoning will remain worlds apart as you remain trapped by unbelief and cynicism which you wrongly term “reason.” And to paraphrase A. W. Tozer, prominent American preacher: “Faith is the assurance of the things unseen, not the things impossible.” He is thus referencing the definition of faith in the book of Hebrews, 11:1. Reason and sound thinking, actually, are the first cause that would make any man a believer in Christ. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day. Omissions and Contradictions in Bible Translations [Courtesy KJBP] This table compares various verses in the KJV, NIV (New International Version), NASB, and NWT. As a result, the force of the graphic is unrelated to the contradictions below. And if god already knows what we r going to do why go through the mascerade why not just snatch up the ones he wants and end the rest ahead of time. While evolution is based on random chance, natural selection is nonrandom and what leads to the growth in complexity. There’s just no plausible way anyone can take the Bible literally after spending time on this site… unless they’re closing their eyes, sticking their fingers in their ears, and refusing to think about any of the errors in their worldview. Ce qui n'est pas le cas de la Bible, puisque les chrétiens considèrent que la bible est un texte écrit par des humains sur Dieu. You can dismiss the support request pop up for 4 weeks (28 days) if you want to be reminded again. And excuse my insolence: It it takes more “faith” to believe in evolution, a badly patched hoax, than to believe that we originate in the plans of a Rational Creator. com. If the Bible is perfect and without flaw then we must have an explanation for these problems. Read about Fred Hoyle’s boeing 747 analogy and you’ll realize that its universally laughed at by the biology community. Jesus loved ppl who hated him. Skeptical? Your boeing 747 analogy proves that you know nothing about evolutionary theory. Each one of the 439 red lines marks a Bible … So what is one to make of claims of clear contradictions in Scripture? The opponents of Christianity often use them in their attempts to discredit Christianity. This is absurd considering my Bible is, give our take, 1200 pages. This time, though, he only included arcs representing contradictions in the Bible: Helpfully, this visual also included text explaining what the contradictions were and where they could be found: Also amazing! That bible u clutch and worship states u should not worship and lets not forget the church building u cant have salvation without. Other opinions guaranteed social ostracism or concentration camp for the speaker. (a) Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9). On y trouve : Des contradictions entre Genèse 1.3-5 sur la création de la lumière le premier jour et Genèse 1.14-19 la création de la lumière le quatrième jour. Interactive Chart of Bible Contradictions If you’ve read the Bible, you know that God doesn’t like men with long hair. Skeptics often think that the Old and New Testament present vastly different messages. and ; and (somewhat differently) Robert L. Thomas, Charts of the Gospels and the. About two years ago, Fast Company pushed out a piece via their twitter feed provocatively called  “Infographic: What the Bible Got Wrong.” Now, why Fast Company, a secular business publication, would have any interest in describing the chart as, “[managing] to make an ancient text — over which men have fought wars and women have sacrificed babies — look downright silly.” is beyond reasonable comprehension. Read on, and you’ll know exactly why the Bible has zero contradictions and why the claims of Bible contradictions are badly mistaken. A few years ago, computer science whiz Chris Harrison created a beautiful visualization linking up every cross reference in the Bible. Justin Holcomb has a good response here to skeptic Sam Harris and the Fast Company who have put together a spiffy-looking chart with alleged Bible contradictions. Feb. 22, 2019. This writer begins with two presuppositions (1) God exists (2) God reveals. Does the Bible contradict itself? Learn how your comment data is processed. The chart cited originates from Sam Harris’ Project Reason site and has elicited plenty of conversation. Just preach and ignore evidence that the bible is not divine inspired. Some are real questions; however, positive and biblical answers are possible for all. What is incredible about the Bible is not its divine authorship; it’s that such a concoction of contradictory nonsense could be believed by anyone to have been written by an omniscient god. For instance, here’s one taken at random: #48 Did Jesus Baptize Anyone? Anyways, I’m done trying to educate you; you’re beyond help. However, as you don’t like my reasoning I suggest you think about what one of the most prominent “lay theologians” of the pevious century has said: “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy”. Now this is more like it, sir. So, for example, if a verse in the New Testament referred back to a verse in the Old Testament, there was an arc drawn between the two chapters they were in (the vertical lines at the bottom represent the number of verses in that chapter): Amazing! The god and jesus interchange was made up by man. A long, long time ago, I used to be a Christian. What is wrong with u, anyone shows a ligitimate question about the bible and faith and they all of a sudden become human garbage to u? And he also doesn’t like men who cut their hair. I am quite aware of the evolution theory. There was nothing here to preserve – they were atheist themselves. As an initial observation, the chart is an excellent example of simplifying a complex argument through a graphic representation. Inconsistencies and Contradictions in the Bible compiled by Donald Morgan. This table is a very small sampling of contradictory verses, not an exhaustive one. The thing that primarily killed my faith is that I read enough of The Bible to realize that it teemed with contradictions and thus couldn’t possibly have been divinely inspired, AKA the infallible words of a perfect God that was dictated to human transcribers. Secularists often accuse the Bible of being full of contradictions. That means the Book of Genesis has more anti-women verses than any other book in the Bible. And all those bars are clickable and lead you to the specific passages in the Skeptics Annotated Bible. Bible contradictions chart pdf A list of over inconsistencies in the Bible. I know what it’s like to be confused about, and bothered by, alleged contradictions in God’s Word. The term "OMITTED" is used when either the phrase or the verse in question is omitted. The list of 439 contradictions (expanded to 464 on the site) is actually not a list of contradictions. Here’s an example of one of the “blatant contradictions in the Bible” published by a mistaken author. Bible difficulties, or apparent Bible contradictions, exist. Oct 19, 2020 - Explore Edward Smith's board "Bible Contradictions", followed by 389 people on Pinterest. Bible contradictions chart pdf A list of over inconsistencies in the Bible. I highly recommend it, as you are interested in exploring Christianity. This chart has found new life on the site: I don’t know what your background is, but if you were taught evolution in a communist school, it is very likely that you were taught it incorrectly. That’s known as wishful thinking. Dt 4:24, 5:9, 6:15, 29:20, 32:21 God is Jesus it says Jesus son! Of atheism to the Gospels the atheistic response seems to attempt to build fortress... That means the book of God, then it should contain zero errors it as. Responds to several objecions and shows why the approach of these issues m not interested in they. 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